With compassion and humor, Bob guides parents through what is an emotional time. Through his gentle touch, participants are comforted as they participate in a four thousand year old Jewish tradition.
Our son, Ilan was born six weeks early in a rather eventful birth. Needless to say, when we got the green light to have his brit performed at three weeks of age (on a baby under five pounds!) it was rather traumatic for me as his mother. Dr. Karasov was calm, caring and nurturing and was able to turn a potentially harrowing experience into a meaningful and spiritual moment. His humor, support and wisdom were exactly what was needed.
As new parents we were so apprehensive prior to our son David's bris. When Bob arrived for the ceremony, his warmth, joy and confidence calmed us in moments. Bob performed the ceremony skillfully and quickly. The moment the procedure was over, Bob held David close, and we watched with awe as Bob calmed our son with his soulful singing of the prayers. We remember David's bris as a wonderful family celebration. We feel blessed to have had Bob Karasov as our mohel.